Understand the Cycles of Change or suffer from this “economy”!

Buddha taught that all suffering comes from the “ignorance of the law of impermanence.” In other words, nothing lasts. Prosperity and life do not last, but neither does pain! In addition, suffering is actually the pain perpetuated by our mind.

There is also a tale of a magic ring King Solomon desired. It was said to make a happy man sad, but a sad man would be made happy. His most trusted minister searched for 6 months without hope until the day before the deadline his luck changed. He found an old merchant in a bazaar that said he’d heard of such a ring and made an engraving to give the King. It read simply, “This too shall pass.” Abraham Lincoln made this story famous in 1859, two years before the U.S. Civil War. He knew something about weathering change.

You see, everything will pass. Everything! Our life, our money, and yes this “economy”. Everything in life comes and goes in cycles. Everything is just change! Suffering comes from ignoring that change exists!

Understanding the Cycles of Change can bring incredible peace and hope, as well as a way to plan for the future. The idea of a cycle of life has been around for thousands of years in the East. The modern Universal Cycles of Change can be a powerful tool you actually use in your daily life. This model was developed by Kris Hallbom from years of study of topics from ancient wisdom to modern String and Chaos Theory. It came from a search for a universal truth about life.

Universal Change

From the graphic above, consider how the universe, all of life, goes through these natural cycles. Stars and planets are born and drop off. Trees grow leaves, drop them off, go to dormancy and create new structures. Unfortunately, there is one system that doesn’t seem to get it: humans. We want infinite complexity leading to chaos, with no dropping off. When we finally do drop off, it’s the “baby with the bath water”. Instead, all that usually must drop off for humans is our attitudes and beliefs.

Notice where “the economy” is at in the cycle. Up to 2008, we went through a massive build up of complexity in the world! The U.S. was years into a complex war and huge build-up of debt. Deregulation and massive hedge funds were pushing the edge of financial systems. Consumers were spending completely out of control, total chaos, mortgaging their homes on the latest fads. This all naturally builds from turbulence into chaos until something must drop off! This drop off is natural. We must drop off old ways of doing business and old goals that no longer serve. We will go through a time of dormancy to reflect, vision, and plant the seeds for creation. Dropping-off is a fabulous time where we prepare for creation. The billionaires of the Great Depression are examples of understanding the cycles. They welcomed the dormancy because they knew creation was the next phase. We are in this magic time ourselves, approaching dormancy to re-create business in the world.

Your own life goes through these cycles. Each part of your life has it’s own cycle. Take a few minutes right now to ask where you are in your health, each relationship, career, finances, etc. Are there some attitudes you need to drop off in a turbulent relationship? Or maybe it’s an attitude about your work? Don’t just follow the ego and think, “I need to drop off the whole person.” That’s just the ego causing trouble again. A tree doesn’t drop off it’s whole branch. Rarely is the solution just dropping off a whole job, person, car, etc. How often has that ever really changed your life?

So memorize these cycles. Keep in mind, “this too shall pass”, and notice where you are in the cycle and what will come next. If you are in dormancy, notice that means you are ready for creation. Embrace that. As you notice turbulence beginning, avoid the chaos phase by looking for little places to drop off complexity so your can move toward new creations. Everything is just change!

Click here to read the entire article on the Universal Cycles of Change from Kris Hallbom. I am a licensed trainer of the WealthyMind program, which puts this and other tools into practice in your life, if you’d like to find out more about it.






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