Breakthrough with Tony Robbins airs Tuesday @ 8pm PDT

Well gang, spread the word, we’re about to see an experiment in positive television. Ever notice that TV is often about one thing: conflict. That conflict usually means someone must LOOSE in order for people to watch. Well, Tony has stayed out of it all these years because he only wants people uplifted. When the producers of Biggest Looser approached him about doing a show about real people being coached to conquer adversity, they came up with this show.

I was at the finale taping of the show and can say that it’s about real people, really challenging situations, and breakthroughs so the people find what’s within them to rise above the challenge. Some of the challenges the guests have faced in their life are unbelievable. Some challenges are happening to millions of regular people every week as a result of the 2007 banking speculation crash. All of them found more than they imagined.

I dedicated my life to helping people because I believe there is so much more in us than anyone can imagine. Watch along with me. Let’s cheer people on as they find their inner hero!






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