Here’s a rare interview with Dr. Wayne Dyer from July 28th, 2011. He rarely gives interviews. He’s was diagnosed 2 years ago with leukemia and recently had a profound healing experience that has changed his life.
Now, here’s one of the great psychological and spiritual teacher of our age still having awakenings at 71 years of age.
In the interview, he shares that he now wakes up everyone morning asking the question, ‘What can I do to make someone’s life better?” He’s been helping millions of people for years but found an even deeper level of being and living in service. No matter how much ego we have removed, there is still more levels that can be taken out. Still more freedom to know who we really are.
Video here:
What if we lived our life, each day, from this deep service? What if we dropped the competitive fear-based conditioning and realized that the only true happiness is living in service?
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