Category: Video

  • “Always remember: Your focus determines your reality.” ~Jedi Master

    “Always remember: Your focus determines your reality.” ~Jedi Master

    In honor to the new Star Wars movie soon to be released, here’s an amazing reminder from one of the greatest Jedi masters, next to Yoda: The teacher of Anakin Skywalker himself, Master Qui Gon. (Who sure looks like the teacher of Batman). Psychology researchers have now demonstrated scientifically that the human mind has a Negativity Bias…

  • Tony Robbins and Sage Q&A Valentine’s session on relationship

    Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and the truth is that an intimate relationship with one mate can be the most rewarding AND most challenging area of life. Some people are dreaming of finding that love of their life. Some have it and want to make it richer. And others may have silently given up. Tony and…

  • Does the inner cave person visit your relationships?

    In my last post, I explored how our brains have evolved to have a Negativity Bias. The more afraid cave person, literally hiding in the cave, may have had many more offspring survive than the brave pre-historic humans. We can see the bias toward fear and cave-safety today. One of my favorite futurists, Faith Popcorn,…

  • Our human social “mask” shows up in commercials! (video)

    I’m currently doing research on the “masks” we wear for success. The word “personality” comes from the Ancient Roman word “persona” which was the word for the mask a stage actor wore. Thus, our “personality” is the mask we wear in the world. Words have a lot of power and insight in them. Yes, we…

  • “What can I do today to make someone’s life better?” ~ Wayne Dyer (video)

    Here’s a rare interview with Dr. Wayne Dyer from July 28th, 2011. He rarely gives interviews. He’s was diagnosed 2 years ago with leukemia and recently had a profound healing experience that has changed his life. Now, here’s one of the great psychological and spiritual teacher of our age still having awakenings at 71 years…