I just read one of the most profound and useful articles I can remember. It is rare these days that someone has the courage to look at the deepest human truths. In our go-with-the-flow society, calling out that most people don’t really want to be happy is bold, audacious, and few will actually want to look at it.
After Deepak Chopra did much research on the new Positive Psychology movement, to write his book on happiness, something was constantly nagging at him: “Do people really want to be happy?” Even thought the Declaration of Independence calls out “the pursuit of happiness” and so many people talk about wanting to be happy, maybe the truth is… people aren’t happy because they don’t really want to be happy.
I urge every one of you to invest the 10 minutes to read this article. Print it out and make some time. As the old saying goes, “the truth will set you free”. If you truly want to be happy, look at the truth of why so many people are not.
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