Category: Women

  • Tony Robbins and Sage Q&A Valentine’s session on relationship

    Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and the truth is that an intimate relationship with one mate can be the most rewarding AND most challenging area of life. Some people are dreaming of finding that love of their life. Some have it and want to make it richer. And others may have silently given up. Tony and…

  • Does the inner cave person visit your relationships?

    In my last post, I explored how our brains have evolved to have a Negativity Bias. The more afraid cave person, literally hiding in the cave, may have had many more offspring survive than the brave pre-historic humans. We can see the bias toward fear and cave-safety today. One of my favorite futurists, Faith Popcorn,…

  • This 5-minute cartoon may save your relationship. (video)

    In over a decade of men & women relationship studies, one of the best teachers I’ve found is Alison Armstrong. Here’s an awesome 5-minute educational video she just released where she sums up her major distinction that helps men and women to overcome their challenges in relationship. Men and Women are different! You can…