What EXACTLY is stopping you? (hint: fear)

Got this video from a client today. Thanks!

The new world record for oldest bungee jumper was broken this month. Watch this 96-year-old jump off a bridge 216 meters high. This was his third time jumping and he said he was scared each time.

So what’s stopping you from doing things in your life? It’s always fear. Fear is the anticipation of pain. Anyone that says “I’m not afraid of anything” is delusional and afraid of what people will think of them (the greatest fear). Watch out for these folks!

Richard Branson says people think he doesn’t have fears. He thinks he has more fears than most people. He just doesn’t let them stop him. He discovers a fear and then he attacks it. Fears make him money. This is why he names his companies “Virgin”. Because he knows he is a virgin when he gets into that business and has the fears of a virgin, and the excitement.

Socrates said, “Courage is knowing what to be afraid of.” Courage isn’t having no fear. Courage is facing fear. Notice how this young bungee jumper is scared of the jump, knows and admits that, and faces it. Now THAT is courage! Having an inventory of fears, admitting them, and facing them. Notice too, he has a team around him to do it. Just like Branson. Smart guys, eh?

Today, check out what’s missing in your life. Is it more love in your relationship? Is it having a relationship? Is it money, health, or happiness that is lacking? If so, check out what you are afraid of. Is it fear of really committing to your lover? Is it talking to total strangers, which is where your money comes from? Tell one person today what’s something you are afraid of and have them help you face it. Even if it is just picking up the phone to call someone you’ve been putting off.

Live free or live in fear. Be free by overcoming your fears. That’s the choice.

Click here if you can’t see the video: http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-429989?hpt=C2







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