Category: Video

  • What EXACTLY is stopping you? (hint: fear)

    Got this video from a client today. Thanks! The new world record for oldest bungee jumper was broken this month. Watch this 96-year-old jump off a bridge 216 meters high. This was his third time jumping and he said he was scared each time. So what’s stopping you from doing things in your life? It’s…

  • You are great! (Validation)

    You are awesome! You are wonderful! When you smile, it lights up the world! Check out this wonderful short film. Winner of eight festivals already. You’ll see why. An inspiring habit we could all get into. Imagine the world if…

  • How to keep the bond with your kids.

    It seems sooner or later parents and children suffer a break. That tender bond when they were little has become elusive. Children may start to resent their parents or want distance from them. One of the reasons for this is that a parent may stop asking for or reject the help of their children. You…

  • Tony Robbins on Good Morning America

    Here’s a 5-minute video from the master, Tony Robbins, on How to Cope in a Recession. In the interview on May 5th, 2009, Tony reminds us that life happens in cycles. Humans have been in civilization for 5600 years. We go through cycles just as everything in nature. But humans forget these cycles in our…

  • Embrace uncertainty to ride this economic time.

    Eckhart Tolle is launching a new monthly video series. He’s got a terrific 4-minute video clip on the site about the economy and how to handle it. How do we handle it? Embrace Uncertainty! Old structures are collapsing everywhere. We can’t know what the future will hold. But here’s the secret: we never did know…