Author: Erol Fox

  • Seahawks coach uses mindfulness to mold Super Bowl Champions

    In my last article, I mentioned that Pete Carroll, coach of the Super Bowl Champion Seattle Seahawks uses mindfulness with his team. It’s a modern revolution in human potential that’s 2500 years old. Though Carroll doesn’t have his players practice meditation specifically, he does use the principals of mindfulness, of really practicing being fully in…

  • Anderson Cooper says, “Mindfulness changed my life!”

    Anderson Cooper did an investigative segment on “Mindfulness” this last Sunday on 60 Minutes. If you haven’t heard of “mindfulness”, you will soon. Read more to be in the know so you don’t get caught at a party, or at your job, with a silly look on your face saying, “What’s that?” As Cooper says in…

  • Does the inner cave person visit your relationships?

    In my last post, I explored how our brains have evolved to have a Negativity Bias. The more afraid cave person, literally hiding in the cave, may have had many more offspring survive than the brave pre-historic humans. We can see the bias toward fear and cave-safety today. One of my favorite futurists, Faith Popcorn,…

  • Are we the offspring of the most afraid humans?

    Why is it that humans tend to be so afraid of new things and change? We can even ask, why are we simply afraid of bad things happening and remember the bad more than the good? Writers are often inspired, especially in film, by recent psychological research studies. The animated movie The Croods (2013) is one  example…

  • Launching my new Clarity.Zone domain!

    Mohammed Buqurais via Compfight Well it’s time for a new brand! I’ll be testing out a new domain: www.Clarity.Zone Yes, you’re reading it correctly. The 21st Century is moving beyond the limited Internet of .com & .net. Just type Clarity.Zone into your browser. History: Way back in 2002, I had the name “Inherent Excellence” pop into…