Category: happiness

  • There are no enemies but the ego. (video)

    I just ran across what I think if one of the most profound short documentaries ever created. It’s from the alternate ending to Guy Richie’s Revolver. Revolver received poor reviews because it was what Richie called an “intellectual action movie”. Action lovers, especially of gangster movies, don’t usually want to think. Indeed, I imagine they…

  • Ever wonder why “dating” is so hard? (funny video)

    As a coach and teacher, I meet so many people that say, “Dating sucks!” I hope I get a lot of comments on the blog, because I’m going blow “dating” wide open, so you can be more free. That’s always my game, you being more free. As a Neuro Linguist (Brain Language Specialist), I study…

  • Girl with 12 fingers has an “advantage”

    I saw this amazing story today, of a girl born with 12 fingers and 14 toes. At first, our ego mind considers the disadvantage. It is conditioned to think that anything un-perfect is wrong, sad, a disadvantage. But how we play the cards dealt to us is the triumph of human spirit over mind. This…

  • The Universe Gives You as Much as You Can Handle (video)

    In this short clip, Harv Eker points out what care really means. It’s about growing ourselves FIRST so we can handle what we are asking for. The moral? Stop asking and start growing. Harv Eker give a powerful example of why the universe doesn’t always give us what we ask for.

  • You are not your name!

    This is a deep and profound truth. You are not your hair. When it gets cut, laying on the floor, is that stuff, a bunch of dead cells, you? Is there any less of YOU? Of course not! Let’s feel deeper. If a person unfortunately loses a limb, is there any less of THEM? Now,…