Tag: NLP
Study shows lactose intolerance may be in the mind.
An article in USA Today a few days ago shared research that showed that “lactose intolerance” may be caused by the mind. Yes, the mind can actually create real symptoms in the body! The study found the participants had real symptoms, but they were not actually caused by dairy products. When dairy was removed, they…
Your core question drives you!
Success leaves clues. When you pay attention to very successful people, in love, business, art, spirit, they share the magic of what drives them. I caught this random video of Oprah. What she’s done as an African American woman show us that anything is possible and it’s the mindset that makes all the difference, not…
He said, “Because I hate to see people suffering!”
One of the keystones of NLP is the modeling of human excellence. I’m always watching for clues to what creates greatness in people. People are constantly sharing what drives them, their inner beliefs and values. A new TV series is launching in January called Breakthrough with Tony Robbins. The best known NLP Coach will be…
Compelling Future NLP Process
Here’s the Compelling Future process for students attending Peak Potential’s Life Directions seminar. And anyone wanting to install their vision into their future. Now that you have your mission & vision it’s important to really anchor them into your system. Your Mind is the only thing that is between you and your vision. People that…
Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do and how we can do it better.
Tony Robbins is one of the first Life Coaches and could be considered the father of Personal Development. In working with great athletes he realized everyone can use a coach to bring out their best. As a teenager he read over 700 books on personal growth, from psychology to esoteric works. He also was attending…